Maria and Adrian work with several veterinarians in Valcea. For several years they have had a neutralization program in collaboration with the local veterinarians. That is, as far as possible, all adult dogs will be neutralized. Both male and bitches. As we do with cats in northern countries.  It is also both the dogs that live wild without owners in forests and along roads, but also the dogs Maria and Adrian picks up for their own shelter or sends out of the country via adoption.  This is a very huge and costly part of their expenses. In addition, all animals are treated for all the diseases that the vet and they can find and treat for. If there is a chance that the dogs can have a good life despite illnesses and disabilities, it is a no kill policy Maria and Adrian leads.

Of course with so many dogs mistakes happens, but this is for sure not intended as Maria and Adrian cry with every dog they get through their hands.

When adopting a dog, be aware that all dogs have been tested before departure for more than what the law of the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration requires when importing dogs from Romania.  All dogs are vaccinated, neutralized if they are old enough and chipped.  TESTED – SNAP 4Dx Plus test – Heartworm, Lyme disease, Ehrlichia, Anaplasma, Giardia, Leishmania, Parvovirus, Distemper.

If you follow Maria on her Facebook page, you will regularly be able to see how she has consistently worked to neutralize dogs, both those who are adopted to other countries, those who live in her shelter – but also those who live on the streets, and which are re-released as “wild dogs” again, in the same way as we re-release wild cats in Denmark.

But since the mentality around having and keeping dogs in both eastern and southern countries is so different from Northern countries in Europe, Maria and Adrian also struggles to convince the local population about the importance of neutralizing the dogs. Therefore, they have managed to offer free neutralization  programme to dog owners for several years.

This is an example of shepherds who have asked Maria for help in neutralizing their dogs.

Maria and Adrian are understandably against breeding, as there are more dogs than there are homes for, which they are of course naturally happy when a Romanian family chooses to neutralize their dog, which is seen here in the update on her facebook.

Do you want to support The spaying programme and getting more dogs neutralized, feel free to send support

Paypal : mrk neutralization.  

It costs only about 25 euros to neutralize a dog in Valcea. In Denmark as a comparisment it costs a minimum of 600€. Therefore, you can easily support this work and help a lot of future dogs.